Honoring the legacy of Dwight D. Eisenhower, The Eisenhower Institute is a distinguished center for leadership and public policy that prepares the successor generations to perfect the promise of the nation. A distinctive program of Gettysburg College with offices in the heart of the nation's capital and in the historic Gettysburg home once occupied by Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower, the Institute combines top-level dialogue among policy-makers with a premier learning experience for undergraduates.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yes We Can

Of course the title for my first post about the Obama administration is predictable, but the now familiar phrase rings true nevertheless. Watching the inauguration of the 44th president, who also happens to be the first of African American descent, was a moment in which I felt unspeakable pride in my country. No, I wasn't among the brazen millions out in the cold streets of Washington, D.C., but I knew that they too felt the significance of the moment and the potential it fortells of the next four years.

Students across campus watched in dorm rooms and classrooms, online and in the Ballroom, some excited, other disappointed, but all happy to hear a shout-out to Gettysburg in the inaugural speech. And Obama seemed to encapsulate the attitude of our country perfectly- that, yes, we are in the midst of economic difficulty, but that we are more than capable of remaining the world power we have been for most of the past century as long as we are united in goals and vigilant with our efforts to achieve them.

I think this is a time for new positivity, and new confidence in the American government.

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